Vaccination & Immunization

Vaccines are one of the most important medical innovations of modern times. They protect against dangerous and deadly diseases by helping the body build immunity to them. Immunization is the process of becoming immune to a disease, usually by receiving a vaccine.

It is crucial that children get immunized because their immune systems are not yet fully developed, making them more susceptible to infections and illnesses. Vaccinations protect against illnesses that can cause serious harm or even death, such as measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis, polio, and hepatitis B.

Vaccination Center in Pune
What does a vaccine do?

When a vaccine is given, it contains a small, weakened, or inactive part of the disease-causing organism or a synthetic version of it. This prompts the immune system to recognize the organism as foreign and create an immune response, which includes the production of antibodies that can recognize and fight off the disease.

What vaccinations are routinely offered to infants?

The vaccinations routinely offered to infants include the following:

  1. Hepatitis B
  2. Rotavirus
  3. Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP)
  4. Pneumococcal
  5. Polio
  6. Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR)
  7. Varicella (chickenpox)
Do vaccinations make your immune system weaker?

Vaccines and immunization are crucial to protecting children from serious illnesses and diseases. The vaccines offered to infants are safe and effective, and it is important to follow the recommended vaccination schedule to ensure maximum protection.

Is it harmful to my baby to get multiple vaccinations at once?

Multiple vaccinations at once do not weaken the immune system. In fact, giving multiple vaccines at once is safe and effective and can help protect children from multiple diseases with fewer office visits. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that children receive all their vaccinations according to the recommended schedule.

Can my child have a bad reaction to vaccinations?

It is possible for a child to have a bad reaction to a vaccine, but this is rare. Some children may experience mild side effects, such as fever or soreness at the injection site. Serious side effects are rare, but if they occur, it is important to seek medical attention immediately.

Importance of BCG vaccine and why its been given immediately after birth in India?

The Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine is a type of vaccine used to protect against tuberculosis (TB). The BCG vaccine is made from a weakened strain of the TB bacteria that do not cause disease but triggers the immune system to produce a response against the bacteria.

The BCG vaccine is given immediately after birth in India and other countries with high rates of TB because infants and young children are at a higher risk of developing severe forms of TB, including TB meningitis and miliary TB. In India, TB is a major public health problem, and the BCG vaccine is an important tool in the fight against the disease.

The BCG vaccine is recommended for all infants in India, regardless of whether they are at high risk of TB or not. The vaccine is given as a single dose injection into the skin of the upper arm. The BCG vaccine is effective in preventing severe forms of TB, including TB meningitis, and can also reduce the risk of pulmonary TB in some populations.

It is important to note that the BCG vaccine does not provide complete protection against TB, and individuals who receive the vaccine may still be at risk of contracting TB. However, the BCG vaccine can reduce the severity of the disease and prevent complications in the event of TB infection.

In summary, the BCG vaccine is an important tool in the fight against TB, particularly in countries with high rates of the disease. Giving the BCG vaccine immediately after birth in India is crucial in protecting infants and young children from severe forms of TB and reducing the overall burden of the disease in the population.

Chicken pox vaccine and when should children have the chicken pox vaccine?

The chickenpox vaccine is a vaccine used to protect against the varicella-zoster virus, which causes chickenpox. The vaccine contains a weakened form of the virus that stimulates the immune system to produce a protective response against the virus.

The chickenpox vaccine is important because chickenpox can be a serious and sometimes life-threatening disease, particularly in individuals with weakened immune systems, such as infants, pregnant women, and people with certain medical conditions. In addition, chickenpox can cause complications such as pneumonia, encephalitis, and bacterial infections of the skin, which can be serious in some cases.

In India, the chickenpox vaccine is recommended for children aged 12 months and above. The vaccine is given in two doses, with the second dose given at least 4 to 6 weeks after the first dose.

The chickenpox vaccine is generally safe and effective in preventing chickenpox. It is important for children to receive the vaccine on schedule to ensure maximum protection. In addition, vaccination can help reduce the overall burden of the disease in the population, including reducing the number of hospitalizations and deaths associated with chickenpox.

It is important to note that the chickenpox vaccine may not provide lifelong protection against the virus, and individuals who have been vaccinated may still be at risk of contracting the disease later in life. However, vaccination can reduce the severity of the disease and the risk of complications, even if an individual does contract the virus.

In summary, the chickenpox vaccine is an important tool in preventing the spread of chickenpox and reducing the risk of complications associated with the disease. Children in India should receive the chickenpox vaccine at the recommended age to ensure maximum protection against the virus.

Influenza vaccine and When should children have an influenza vaccine?

The influenza vaccine, also known as the flu vaccine, is a vaccine used to protect against the influenza virus, which can cause seasonal flu. The vaccine is designed to match the strains of the flu virus that are expected to be most prevalent in a given flu season.

In India, the influenza vaccine is recommended for children aged 6 months and above, particularly those with underlying medical conditions that may increase their risk of complications from the flu, such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease, or a weakened immune system. The vaccine is usually given annually before the flu season, which typically occurs from October to February.

The influenza vaccine is important because the flu can cause serious illness and complications, particularly in young children, the elderly, and people with underlying medical conditions. In addition, the flu can be highly contagious and easily spread from person to person, leading to outbreaks in schools, communities, and workplaces.

The flu vaccine is generally safe and effective in preventing the flu. It is important for children to receive the vaccine on schedule to ensure maximum protection, especially if they are at high risk of complications from the flu. In addition, vaccination can help reduce the overall burden of the disease in the population, including reducing the number of hospitalizations and deaths associated with the flu.

It is important to note that the flu vaccine may not provide complete protection against all strains of the flu virus, and individuals who have been vaccinated may still be at risk of contracting the flu. However, vaccination can reduce the severity of the disease and the risk of complications, even if an individual does contract the virus.

In summary, the influenza vaccine is an important tool in preventing the spread of the flu and reducing the risk of complications associated with the disease. Children in India should receive the influenza vaccine annually before the flu season, particularly those at high risk of complications from the flu

Why Hepatitis A & Hepatitis B vaccine is important for children?

Why Hepatitis A & Hepatitis B vaccine is important for children?
The hepatitis A and B vaccines are important for children because they protect against two different types of hepatitis viruses that can cause serious liver disease and other complications.

Hepatitis A is a highly contagious viral infection that can be transmitted through contaminated food, water, or objects. Symptoms of hepatitis A can include fever, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and jaundice. In severe cases, hepatitis A can cause liver failure, which can be life-threatening. The hepatitis A vaccine is recommended for children aged 12 months and above, with two doses given 6 to 12 months apart.

Hepatitis B is a viral infection that is spread through contact with infected blood or other bodily fluids, such as during childbirth or through sharing needles. Symptoms of hepatitis B can include fatigue, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and jaundice. In some cases, hepatitis B can lead to chronic liver disease, liver cancer, and other serious health problems. The hepatitis B vaccine is recommended for all infants at birth, with three doses given over a period of 6 months.

By vaccinating children against hepatitis A and B, parents and caregivers can help protect them from these serious and potentially life-threatening diseases. In addition, vaccination can help reduce the overall burden of hepatitis in the population, including reducing the number of hospitalizations and deaths associated with hepatitis.

It is important to note that while hepatitis A and B vaccines are generally safe and effective, some individuals may experience mild side effects such as soreness at the injection site, fever, or fatigue. It is important to discuss any concerns or questions about vaccination with a healthcare provider.

Come Visit Us

We provide a comprehensive range of private paediatric services, including consultations, examinations, and screening tests, as well as treatments, prescriptions, and parent education. Our services are comprehensive and include general health, common paediatric diseases, and medical specialties.

Dr. Sheetal Kakade - Consulting Pediatrician


2nd floor, Centriole Building, 130, ITI Rd, above Starbucks coffee, Anand Park, Aundh, Pune, Maharashtra 411007


Monday to Saturday

M: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

E: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

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84229 98857